Merch and Money for Palestine
Palestine-supportive goods and good ways to donate for Palestine
We have many ways to participate in efforts to stop the genocide in Gaza and support the growing global movement to end settler colonialism and all supremacist cultures.
One vital form of engagement is to spend (and not spend) according to the future we want to help bring about. We can also give money directly to relief efforts, especially those that are led by the people most affected by violence and oppressive systems.
I’ve compiled these possibilities, gathered since October 7th. Please feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments.
with infinite love,
Liberation wearables and comestibles
The shops listed here either donate a portion of their profits to Palestinian relief efforts, are businesses based in Palestine and run by Palestinians, or directly fund nonprofit organizations working in Palestine.
Shop Palestine - A project in support of the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA: Offers a wide variety of Palestinian-made and pro-Palestinian clothing, food, books, and art.
Luetti 1980 - Beautiful pro-Palestinian graphics on iconic street wearables. Donates 100% of their profits to relief efforts in Palestine.
West Bank Apparel - Palestinian-owned purveyor of clothing and jewelry from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Jordan, and other Middle Eastern countries. Gives a minimum of 15% of their profits to relief efforts.
Watan Studio - A Palestinian-inspired arts shop located in Chicago and serving as a cultural and educational hub for Palestinians in the diaspora working toward collective liberation.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign - This store supports the biggest activist organization in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights. They sell keffiyehs, clothing, books, and accessories.
Hirbawi Keffiyeh - The only keffiyeh manufacturer still operating in Palestine.
Canaan Palestine - Upscale, Palestinian-owned purveyor of olive oil and other foods from Palestine. Canaan works with over 1,000 artisan family farms spanned across 43 different villages. Based in the U.S. and Palestine.
What not to buy
Boycotting is a powerful long-term strategy and was instrumental in bringing an end to international financial support of the apartheid government in South Africa. Check out the BDS Movement for in-depth analysis and current boycott campaigns.
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.
The movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.
Where to donate
These relief organizations and efforts are either grassroots initiatives of Palestinians living in Gaza and the diaspora or are NGOs working in Gaza to bring humanitarian relief to the people.
Humaniti Foundation - A nonprofit that pays Palestinian cooks in Gaza to make meals for the people.
Ele Elna Elak - A Gazan grassroots effort to get vegetables, food, and water to the people. Bisan Owda works with this group.
Watermelon Relief - A Gazan grassroots group aiding displaced families with meals, support, and activities. Along with Humaniti, they are getting food and supplies to my favorite Gazan chef, Hamada Sho. He’s using packaged food aid to improvise Palestinian recipes in mass quantities for displaced people and also to communicate to us wordlessly about the genocide.
The Sameer Project - A Palestinian-led relief effort that brings tents, medical supplies, and pre-natal supplies to displaced Gazans. They also give cash in envelopes to families in need of food, water, and other life sustaining goods that they can no longer afford.
Sim Kern - Activist and author Sim Kern runs vetted fundraisers to get families out of Gaza and provide basic necessities.
Baitulmaal - Water and emergency food packets to the people of Gaza.
UNICEF - Food, water, and medicine to the children of Gaza.
UNRWA - In addition to providing healthcare, relief, and social services to Gazans, UNRWA has just started a new “Back to Learning” initiative to jumpstart education for children in Gaza.
World Central Kitchen - Funds frontline chefs in Gaza and elsewhere in the Middle East to provide food for displaced people.
Want more? Please join me and the Jaya Kula community for satsang & kirtan every Sunday at 3:30pm Pacific. Come in person to Come in person to 1215 SE 8th Ave, Portland, OR, or join the Jaya Kula News Facebook group to get the Zoom link for satsang. You can also listen to my podcast—Satsang with Shambhavi—wherever podcasts are found.
TYSM for compiling this!