Dear Friends and Supporters,
An impromptu poll among some readers of K108 revealed that. . .
You all want different things!
This goes triple for how frequently people want to see K108 landing in their mailboxes. Let’s just say it ranges from every day to now and then.
What I want is a place where I can share everything from juicy quotes I’ve been hoarding to long-form writing to weird finds and random insights.
So here’s how K108 is changing
(You get what you want and I get what I want!)
Starting in May, I’ll be posting a substantial something (poem, article, chapter, playlist, recipe, etc) every Saturday morning.
Starting sometime later in April, the inspirational quotes known as Bindu Drops will be published via Substack Notes. BUT I’ll also be dumping a lot more delicious randomness into Substack Notes.
What does this mean for you?
As a subscriber to K108, you’ll be getting 4 things a month plus any announcements relevant to K108.
My Substack notes will show up in your Notes feed, but you will not be notified by email when I post to Substack Notes. This means I can publish to my heart’s content without annoying subscribers who don’t want so much of me. If you do want to see my Notes, head to or find the “Notes” tab in the Substack app. As a subscriber to Kindred 108, you’ll automatically see my notes. Feel free to like, reply, or share them around!
Paid and Free Subscribers
When I first started K108 some months ago, I launched with a traditional set-up where paid subscribers got more things.
What I’m finding is twofold:
not all paid subscribers want more things, and
paid subscribers are largely paying because they value K108 and want to support me and the project, not because they want more stuff.
I also never really wanted to put anything behind a paywall. Because K108 is all about sharing everything and not holding back.
So from now on, everything on K108 is offered freely. But if you value what’s happening here and feel moved to support me to continue, then, by all means, become a paid subscriber. You’ll have my deep appreciation and you’ll be helping more people to encounter teachings. That’s the best.
Haven’t subscribed yet, or want to upgrade? Here ya go!
With infinite love,