from The Mother Poems by Shambhavi Sarasvati at Kindred 108. We're all kindred here.
The door to this prison is open, but few ever step out. They talk about the furniture obsessively. They breathe dense air and their own nervous perfumes. In certain waking dreams, people come gunning with their urgency and laws. They aim their criticisms and demands at anyone who eludes their worldview. I hide out, slow breathing, unseen. If someone notices, I share whatever medicines and empowerments I’ve received. Otherwise, I don’t stop them from leaving I just get on with my real life. I used to fight for everyone, including myself. That was easier. Now I’m an escape artist who understands she has nowhere to go. If I want to live in another world it will have to be right here with everything precisely the same as this.
from The Mother Poems by Shambhavi Sarasvati
In Hinduism, Yugas are epochs characterized by how easy or difficult it is for beings to self-realize. The yugas are the satya, treta, dvapara, and kali yugas. Many think that these yugas progress sequentially and then start over again in a cycle. My Guru, Anandamayi Ma, taught that all of the yugas are occurring simultaneously. In other words, the yugas represent the differing experiences of beings.
Want more? Please join me and the Jaya Kula community for satsang & kirtan every Sunday at 3:30pm Pacific. Come in person to Come in person to 1215 SE 8th Ave, Portland, OR, or join the Jaya Kula News Facebook group to get the Zoom link for satsang. You can also listen to my podcast—Satsang with Shambhavi—wherever podcasts are found.
Very moving 💗