Your practical goals are exactly what the USA needs. I've grown so opposed to the duopoly for everything they cling to in maintaining the current sociopolitical climate. This past election I came to be aware more deeply of how imperialism is rooted in hatred of humanity and the love and lust for money. The current system of material gains sacrifice spiritual gains always.

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I love this writing, i can say that honestly, but i cannot say i love other humans honestly! Lol

What i mean by that is that i have to breathe through a forest of caveats due to the complexity of behaviors that humans express.

I love the art of nature, which includes creating humans, perhaps the “tortured artist” species.

I love the bitter beauty of youthful stupidity, and the exhausted wisdom that sometimes comes with age and reflection. I love how we can turn our pain into art if we choose. My love exists on this draconic level. The grace of death, the excitement of ephemera.

I’m reminded of zuowang pith instructions: sit like a mountain, mind like dead ash.

Loving the red dust, swirling feverishly on the wind, but let go of it all, let it come and go, rise and fall.

If I don’t practice this version of intimacy, I can’t deal with people. Because the pain/dysfunction in the organ system is too great, there is too much fixation, craving and aversion to content, too much grabbing at particular granules of red dust.

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Thanks for the thoughtful response and the poetry, Dare. I wonder if there is something to the order of things. Were we moved by others first or discouraged? I was moved by the people around me starting as a young person (and also often angry), but I was only recently more thoroughly discouraged. I know many people who were first discouraged or disappointed. They usually become Buddhists. 🤣 But in any case, loving everyone came as a surprise after decades of practice. It's incredibly relaxing to no longer make distinctions and parcel out one's affections like scarce humanitarian aid. But for me, it started just by being moved, a feeling for the poignancy of life. xo

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yes, I've thought a version of this too, and recently in studying polestar astrology and tongshu, have considered the birth season of the year to indicate some predisposition. Winter = retreat, spring = advancement, etc.

and perhaps there is both learned and ancestral momentum involved.

in a more dramatic version of the story i would say i have been routinely betrayed, by others and "myself", in various ways.

Now i would just say there is disappointment and high degree of mismatch with others. Their emotions, behaviors, ideology, etc are like being forced to wear clothes that don't fit. Hard to breath in, itchy in all the wrong places, and trapping heat where we don't want heat to be trapped, if you get my meaning.

I love when relating with people is like playing jazz together, but many people can't play reality like that. It's always a battle or a ruse, some kind of zero-sum game going on. So, I have to play jazz and keep stating that i'm playing jazz and stay on the stage with my instrument in plain view, otherwise, things become unhygienic.

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