Apr 6Liked by Shambhavi Sarasvati

Heartbroken like a condemned playground teeming with absence

Heartbroken like a thousand steps without moving an inch

Heartbroken like an agonizing breeze on charred flesh

Heartbroken like this is all perfectly normal

Heartbroken like smiles of deceit and weaponized tears

Heartbroken like a million and one indignaties displayed for all to consume

Heartbroken like a countless rows in a spreadsheet, GoFundMe goal 0% met

Heartbroken like bloodied blonde hair finally got their attention

Heartbroken like unspeakable daily horrors

Heartbroken like tear gas at dawn prayers

Heartbroken like this has all got to go somehow

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Apr 6Liked by Shambhavi Sarasvati

Heartbroken as a bulldozed olive tree

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Apr 6Liked by Shambhavi Sarasvati

Heartbroken as a stepped on wildflower

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Apr 6Liked by Shambhavi Sarasvati

Heartbreaking and hauntingly beautiful.

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Apr 6Liked by Shambhavi Sarasvati

Heartbroken like cries from deep under rubble

Heartbroken like my kin, my kin, my God have mercy

Heartbroken like the blood of my labor

Heartbroken like the morning sun landing tenderly on shreds of clothes and limbs

Heartbroken like a poppy blooming on the edge of a ruined city

Heartbroken like a pot of soup that fills and fills the more it feeds

Heartbroken like an explosion ripping a hole in the night

Heartbroken like waves following waves, washing away borders

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